The match will be Sunday, July 16, 2017 at Magnolia Rifle and Pistol Club in Byram, MS.

Click here to register. We are accepting online payments through Practiscore.

There will be five stages of fast-paced, bay-style shooting. With your registration fee you will get a guaranteed prize (valued more than the entry fee) and lunch. We will do prizes and awards after the stages are put away. The State Champion in each division will be recognized along with our Shooter of the Year. State Champion is not required to reside in Mississippi.

For this match, and all multigun matches going forward, shotguns are welcome but not required. There will be clays, but there will be steel plates as an alternative for PCCs and pistols.


  1. Factory
  2. Practical
  3. Unlimited
  4. Heavy
  5. PCC
  6. 2Gun Factory
  7. 2Gun Practical
  8. 2Gun Unlimited
  9. 2Gun Heavy
  10. Rimfire

Check the 3Gun Nations guidelines here.


You’ll see the updated stage 1. It will be something like this, but I also have an idea to make it a little cooler while still staying rear-berm impact only.


Here are our sponsors for the match so far. Check them out and send them some love.

Click here if you would like to become a sponsor for the match.